Computed tomography

BIOCLINIC dentistry has the latest computer tomography, which provides the most accurate examination with minimal exposure to the patient.

  • Computed tomography is an accurate and high-quality study
  • The latest equipment with a minimum radiation dose
  • 3D diagnosis of the entire maxillofacial system
  • It takes 2 minutes, and the result is ready within 15 minutes

BIOCLINIC dentistry has the latest computer tomography, which provides the most accurate examination with minimal exposure to the patient.

We assign a CT scan to a patient before:

  • installation of bracket systems,
  • endodontic treatment,
  • implantation,
  • prosthetics,
  • with significant trauma to the teeth, cysts, fistulas, abscesses,
  • to control dental treatment.

Computed tomography is a 3D visualization of the patient’s entire jaw. It is a painless process that is performed within 1-2 minutes and does not require any preparation of the patient.

Computed tomography (CT) is a three-dimensional (3D) diagnosis of the dento-mandibular system.

Thanks to the clear 3D images obtained with CT, dentists can better plan complex treatment procedures. Accurate planning minimizes risks, improves treatment outcomes, and shortens healing time.

Thanks to the clear 3D images obtained with CT, dentists can better plan complex treatment procedures. Accurate planning minimizes risks, improves treatment outcomes, and shortens healing time.